
Tate Farms strives to support our community whenever possible through donations to worthy causes & non profit organizations. As the frequency and size of donation requests continue to increase, we try to make every effort to provide support to charitable efforts in our area. Although we would like to donate to all worthy organizations that ask for support, it is impossible to fulfill every request.
All donation requests for 2024 must submit the donation request form. Donations will not be reviewed that are sent through email, phone calls, or social media. Donation request must be submitted 2 weeks out from your event. Only those donations that we can accommodate will be contacted. Past support of an organization or event does not guarantee future support as we are dealing with a perishable product, weather, and pumpkin quality/quantity availability.
Pumpkin donations MUST be picked up Thursdays between 8:00 am-7:00 p.m. Delivery is not available for donations. Once we contact you, a pickup appointment will be set.